Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cat Creek Falls May 2009

I think I managed to get most of the group in this shot, before they got spread out on the trail.

Cat Creek Falls May 2009

Looks like a great place to build a fire and cook up a quick lunch. As you can tell, it wasn't really a cold day, but there was still a fair build up of snow from the winter.

Cat Creek Falls

It was a tough slug up this hill, and Yes, it was as steep as it looks ;-). Everyone made it to the top OK, then we had a hot lunch over the fire, bushwacked though the valley with the help of a GPS and found our way back to the camp at Strawberry Flats.

Comments and Contributions

Now I know there are many of you that have been taking pictures this year, as well as last. Would you like me to publish them here for everyone else to see???? Just send me an e-mail, along with the picture (hopefully one with many of the group in it and some scenery too), send a short narrative to post with the photo. I will attempt to post as many as I can.
Scouter Phil

AJ-09 Camp Impeesa

Just hanging around after another fun day. One of those rare photo ops when there is someone there to take our picture

AJ-09 Camp Impeesa

The task here is to lash together a bridge. Not as easy as it may sound. Our patrol was broken up into individuals that worked with people from other groups.

AJ-09 Camp Impeesa

Each group split up then each half builds a Catapult and a raft. Then they switch and the group that built the catapult then takes control of the raft and the other 1/2 that built the raft use the catapult to fling wet sponges at the groups on the raft. Anyone is fair game for the wet sponges and the raft can launch the sponges back at the people on shore. Lots of fun here.